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05 December 2014 - Gianluca Lupo


The purpose of this article is to show how to effectively setup a cluster of machines in order to use Docker on them and to be able to optimize as much as possible the reource usage of the machines.

The aim is to create a proposal for building a clustered environment for a Continous Integration solution which allows to have isolated and reliable builds and avoid technology dependencies and overlappings.

Technology Overview

Mesos is an Apache project which has the aim to abstract the datacenters resources in a single pool of resources.

Apache Mesos abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines (physical or virtual), enabling fault-tolerant and elastic distributed systems to easily be built and run effectively.

Have a look in the picture below to have a main idea of mesos architecture:

Mesos Overview

The main component of Mesos are:

  1. A framework is an application which is written directly against the Mesos REST APIs
  2. A frameworks connects to one of the master
  3. The master provides resources and frameworks can schedule tasks on this resources
  4. The slave consists on executor and they can run different types of executor

In the following image the mesos workflow is shown:

Mesos Workflow


  1. The Mesos slave notices to primary Master that he has a total amount of resources available
  2. The Primary Master presentes the offer to the Framework (Marathon, Jenkins, …)
  3. The Framework accepts the offer useful for its needs
  4. The primary master executes the task from the Framework on the selected slave

Doing a POC: install mesos, marathon and jenkins on a single laptop


I have chosen to install mesos using Mesosphere package, because it provides already usable services to run zookeeper, mesos-master, mesos-slave and marathon and chronos. I used an Ubuntu 14.04 machine with access to internet:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E56151BF

# set environment variable for identifying the distrubution and the codename
# In my case it will be 'ubuntu' and 'trusty'
DISTRO=$(lsb_release -is | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
CODENAME=$(lsb_release -cs)

echo "deb${DISTRO} ${CODENAME} main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mesosphere.list

Once updated the ubuntu repository list run following commands:

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install mesosphere

The mesospere installation installs all the listed services with startup automatically policies. I removed this feature simply creating overrides folder in the /etc/init folder:

sudo echo manual > /etc/init/chronos.override
sudo echo manual > /etc/init/zookeeper.override
sudo echo manual > /etc/init/marathon.override
sudo echo manual > /etc/init/mesos-master.override
sudo echo manual > /etc/init/mesos-slave.override

and now to start/stop services:

sudo service <service name> ( start | stop | restart )

All the configuration changes MUST be done with administrative privileges (i.e. using sudo)


The first step is to define a unique ID number, from 1 to 255, for each of your master servers. In my case the chosen value is 1. The value must be inserted in the following file:


Next step is to modify the zookeeper configuration file in order to ensure that the service can resolve the correct hostname (in my case is The value must be inserted in the following file:


After modification my partial file is like this:


Please refer here for information about mesos settings. About environment paramentes they can be specified in the following file:


the content could be:

ULIMIT="-n 8192"

The value in that file are used both from mesos-master and mesos-slave services

About command line arguments they can be specified in the following folder:


In that case the folder mesos MUST contain one file for each command line argument and the filename MUST be exactly the name of the argument. The content of the file is the value of the argument.

Now let’s set the zookeeper url for the mesos services. Create a file named zk


Fill it with the following content:

Mesos master

Also for the mesos-master service we have to set environment variables and commandline variables: About environment paramentes they can be specified in the following file:


the content could be:


About command line arguments they can be specified in the following folder:


In that case the folder mesos-master MUST contain one file for each command line argument and the filename MUST be exactly the name of the argument. The content of the file is the value of the argument.

Now let’s set the quorum (for zookeeper) for the mesos-master services. Create a file named quorum


Fill it with the following content:


Next let’s set the work_dir for the mesos-master services. Create a file named work_dir


Fill it with the following content:

Mesos slave

Also for the mesos-slave service we have to set environment variables and commandline variables: About environment paramentes they can be specified in the following file:


the content could be:


About command line arguments they can be specified in the following folder:


In that case the folder mesos-slave MUST containe one file for each command line argument and the filename MUST be exactly the name of the argument. The content of the file is the value of the argument.

Now let’s set the ip for the mesos-slave services. Create a file named ip


Fill it with the following content:

Next let’s set the hostname for the mesos-slave services. Create a file named hostname


Fill it with the following content:

Next let’s set the containerizers priority for the mesos-slave executors services. Create a file named containerizers


Fill it with the following content:


Finally let’s set the executor registration timeout for the mesos-slave services. Create a file named executor_registration_timeout


Fill it with the following content:


Marathon needs to run on the same master hosts. In order to be sure that everything is configured correctly I have set the hostname in the marathon settings. Be careful, because the Marathon folders settings are not created automatically:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/marathon/conf

Move to the generated folder and create a file called hostname

sudo echo > /etc/marathon/conf/hostname

Now the zookeeper url needs to be specified in order to allow Marathon to gather information about scheduling and so on. Create a file called master

sudo cp /etc/mesos/zk > /etc/marathon/conf/master

Finally, let’s teach to Marathon to store its own state information in zookeeper. Create a file called zk

sudo cp /etc/marathon/conf/master /etc/marathon/conf/zk


Start the services:

sudo service zookeeper start
sudo service mesos-master start
sudo service mesos-slave start
sudo service marathon start

Mesos interface can be reached at

Marathon interface can be reached at


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